What’s in a Preppy Princess Puppy Dog Name?
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What’s in a Preppy Princess Puppy Dog Name? Your puppy’s name will be the cue or marker to many commands you ask him to perform. As he is praised and rewarded, he will associate his name with something good. He is more likely to respond to it and the commands that follow it. It needs to get his attention, so should be easily identified. One or two syllables are best, as is a name you can easily intonate.
Puppies especially love high-pitched tones; it sounds super-exciting and interesting. Be careful not give pup a name which sounds like any basic commands. Consider the associations you have with any names you choose – does it have an emotional attachment?
The last thing you need is to name pup “Ozzy,” then months later remember that Ozzy Osbourne was your late cousin’s favourite front man.
You’ll never be able to look at pup again without thinking of your cousin – for better or worse.
John Woods is a professional dog trainer and is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.
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Abby | Abigail | Ace | Addison | Aggie |
Alex | Alexis | Alexander | Algonquin | Allie |
Almond | Amber | Amigo | Amaretto | Annie |
Andromeda | Andre | Andy | Angel | Angus |
Annabelle | Apache | Aphrodite | April | Apollo |
Archie | Asia | Aspen | Astor | Astrix |
Atlas | Atticus | Audrey | Augusta | Avalanche |
Axel | Azure | Annja | Azzo | Aysha |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section tab_id=”1499589212820-2a332044-7275″ title=”B”][vc_column_text]
Banjo | Barker | Barkley | Barney | Baron |
Baxter | Bayou | Beans | Bear | Beignet |
Bella | Belle | Belvedere | Benji | Bentley |
Betty-Boop | Blackbeard | Blackie | Blaze | Blanca |
Baby | Brewster | Bacardi | Brody | Bailey |
Blue | Bluebeard | Bianca | Biggy | Bijou |
Bilbo | Biscuit | Bogie | Boo-Boo | Boomer |
Bones | Bosco | Boss | Bou’ya | Bowser |
Bruno | Barbie | Brut | Brutus | Bubba |
Bubbles | Buck | Bud | Buddy | Buffy |
Buford | Bugger | Bugsy | Bullet | Bumbles |
Bambi | Bronx | Bandit | Brooklyn | Bronson |
Boz | Brandy | Brat | Babushka | Brazil |
Bunky | Buster | Butch | Butkus | Butler |
Butterbean | Buttercup | Butterscotch | Button | Buzz |
Brandy | Brownie | Bax | Berto | Bürgi |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”C” tab_id=”1499589212901-1d52fbd0-0bf0″][vc_column_text]
Caleb | Cali | Callie | Calvin | Candy |
Cain | Care-bear | Caruso | Cassie | Casey |
Casper | Caesar | Champ | Chance | Chandler |
Chantilly | Charisma | Charlie | Chase | Charity |
Cherish | Chauncey | Cheech | Cherokee | Chestnut |
Chewy | Cheyenne | Chico | Chief | China |
Chip | Chiquita | Chloe | Chocolate Chip | Chomper |
Chopper | Cinder | Cinnamon | Cleo | Cleopatra |
Clifford | Clover | Clyde | Cocoa | Coco |
Cody | Colby | Coffee | Colonel | Commander |
Comet | Confucius | Conner | Cookie | Cooper |
Corona | Cosmo | Cedric | Cracker Jack | Cricket |
Curly | Cuddles | Cupid | Cujo | Crystal |
Curtis | Cyber | Czar | Cändi | Cändi |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”D” tab_id=”1499589212977-b48f4e6c-99df”][vc_column_text]
Daisy | Dakota | Dabs | Dallas | Dally |
Dante | Daphne | Darwin | Darby | Dash |
Dalia | Dancer | Dajana | Dee-Dee | Dempsey |
Delight | Delilah | Denim | Denali | Desiree |
Diva | Devin | Dinky | Dexter | Dewey |
Dinky | Dillon | Digger | Diamond | Diesel |
Dixie | Dobby | Dodger | Doughnut | Dolly |
Domino | Donner | Doodle | Dior | Dilli |
Draco | Duffy | Duchess | Duncan | Dusty |
Dundee | Duke | Dorado | Dämon | Duxie |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”E” tab_id=”1599499840838-9c37c1a8-9095″][vc_column_text]
Easter | Earthquake | Ebony | Elektra | Ellie |
Elliot | Elmo | Echo | Einstein | Elmer |
Elvis | Elf | Esther | Eve | Ecko |
Edgar | Edith | Efie | Eico | Eiva |
Electra | Eli | Erck | Ernö | Eny |
Exena | Exina | Ezee | Exie | Ezzo |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”F” tab_id=”1599509208733-3656b90e-86f0″][vc_column_text]
Fabian | Faith | Farrah | Fatty | Fawn |
Fadia | Ferris | Fido | Fifi | Fisher |
Fizz | Flash | Fleetwood | Fargo | Falke |
Famke | Fannie | Faun | Fatima | Faye |
Felia | Ferrick | Fina | Floyd | Flipsi |
Frisco | Fätto | Frenchi | Frou-Frou | Fräulein |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”G” tab_id=”1603739135454-825e1b2a-adcb”][vc_column_text]
Gable | Galaxy | Gage | Genevieve | Geisha |
Georgia | Gertie | Gideon | Gidget | Giggles |
Gigi | Gilbert | Ginger | Giovanna | Gisela |
Gizmo | Goldy | Goliath | Gouda | Guess |
Grace | Gracie | Gravy | Greta | Grizzly |
Groovy | Grover | Gucci | Gwen | Günter |
Gus | Guy | Gypsy | Gwenn | Gwendoline |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”H” tab_id=”1603739134760-ea43cb1e-57d4″][vc_column_text]
Half-Pint | Hambone | Hannah | Happy | Harley |
Harmony | Harvey | Hayden | Hazel | Heath |
Heidi | Henry | Hero | Hershey | Hoagie |
Hobbs | Homer | Honey | Hoosier | Hooter |
Hope | Hemingway | Hunter | Hilga | Humphry |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”I” tab_id=”1603739134094-89d230be-88df”][vc_column_text]
Ice | Ice-T | Iggy | Ingrid | Iris |
Isaac | Isabelle | Ivory | Ivy | Ianni |
Iassko | Ilma | Ilu | Iltis | Iolanda |
Issy-Tanja | Ivan | Ittie | Isvan | Iros |
Irena | Isidora | Issanka | Ivan | Iwanka |
Ivanhoe | Itano | Isis | Isaak | Izzy |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”J” tab_id=”1603739227554-1fb1b0a3-5506″][vc_column_text]
Jabber | Jack | Jade | Jagger | Jake |
Jasmine | Jasper | Jaws | Jazz | Jenkins |
Jericho | Jessie | Jet | Jewel | Jezebel |
Jill | Jacquelin | Jojo | Josie | Jobe |
Jock | Janos | Jennie | Jolana | Jäger |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”K” tab_id=”1603739225094-7668d3d9-7bce”][vc_column_text]
Kacey | Kahlua | Kaitlin | Kane | Karate |
Katrina | Kawai | Kayden | Kayla | Kelsey |
Kendra | Kera | Khan | Kibble | Kicks |
Kiddo | Kiefer | Kiki | Koko | Kundi |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”L” tab_id=”1603739131439-ca668366-6408″][vc_column_text]
Lacey | Lady | Lady Belle | Lala | Lamb Chop |
Lana | Lancelot | Lane | Lassie | Latke |
Latte | Lavender | Leo | Leon | Lexie |
Lexus | Lila | Lilac | Lilly | Lizzie |
Logan | Lollie | Louie | Lucy | Lucky |
Ludwig | Luke | Lulu | Lavina | Lottie |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”M” tab_id=”1603739224614-121af533-11ef”][vc_column_text]
Macaroni | Madam | Maddie | Madison | Maggie |
Magic | Maize | Major | Malcolm | Mandy |
Manfred | Magnolia | Marbella | Margot | Mariah |
Marigold | Marlo | Mars | Mason | Matilda |
Matinee | Maui | Maverick | Max | Maxim |
Maxwell | Maya | Mazie | Mecca | Medusa |
Megan | Mercedes | Mercury | Mercy | Merlin |
Muki | Mia | Mickey | Midget | Midnight |
Mighty | Miko | Miles | Millie | Milky-Way |
Milo | Mimi | Mischa | Missy | Misty |
Mystic | Mitzie | Mocha | Mochi | Moira |
Molly | Mona | Montana | Montgomery | Monty |
Mooch | Moody Blues | Moon | Moose | Morgan |
Moses | Mozart | Mr. Magoo | Mr. Peabody | Mud |
Mufasa | Mustafa | Muffin | Mugsley | Munchkin |
Murphy | Murray | Myasia | Mäxx | Mändi |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”N” tab_id=”1603739224105-e521fa10-072c”][vc_column_text]
Nicholas | Nadia | Nala | Nanook | Naomi |
Napoleon | Nazareth | Nemesis | Neon | Nero |
Nestle | Nibbles | Nico | Nika | Nike |
Nina | Ninja | Niobe | Nipper | Noble |
Noel | Noodles | Norman | Nova | Nova |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”O” tab_id=”1603739223474-44899405-ea36″][vc_column_text]
Oakley | Obi-Wan | Odina | Octavia | Oden |
Oliver | Olly | Omar | Onyx | Opal |
Oprah | Oreo | Orion | Oscar | Otis |
Old-Joe | Ovita | Oxford | Ota | Owen |
Oswin | Otello | Ozeta | Otto | Oz |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”P” tab_id=”1603739222949-b5869903-125c”][vc_column_text]
Paddy | Paige | Panda | Pandora | Pansy |
Papi | Paris | Pastrami | Patches | Patton |
Pavarotti | Payton | Peaches | Peanut | Pebbles |
Pee Wee | Pentagon | Penny | Pepi | Pepita |
Pepper | Pepsi | Periwinkle | Petie | Phoenix |
Phoebe | Pierre | Piglet | Pinky | Pip |
Piper | Pippin | Pipsqueak | Pirate | Pistachio |
Pita | Pixie | Pluto | Poco | Poet |
Pointer | Poker | Polly | Poncho | Pooch |
Popeye | Popsicle | Pork Chop | Poseidon | Prancer |
Preppy | Patrick | Precious | Priscilla | Primrose |
Prince | Princess | Prometheus | Pugsley | Panda |
Putina | Punkin | Pollo | Prada | Pützi |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Q” tab_id=”1603739222403-5062dde6-b6d7″][vc_column_text]
Qando | Quimbo | Quin | Queso | Quixie |
Queen | Queenie | Quincy | Quwinny | Quuna |
Quantus | Quatro | Queenessa | Quess | Quid |
Quicki | Quiver | Quästo | Quzombar | Quno |
Querri | Quiggy | Quzie | Quwinny | Qwinto |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”R” tab_id=”1603739221837-3b9ad29b-260f”][vc_column_text]
Racer | Radar | Ragg-Mopp | Rainbow | Ramses |
Ranger | Rascal | Rasputin | Reba | Rebel |
Red | Reggie | Remi | Remington | Reno |
Rex | Ricardo | Riley | Ringer | Ringo |
Rio | Ripley | Rock | Rocket | Rocky |
Romeo | Roosevelt | Rory | Roscoe | Rose |
Rosie | Rover | Rowan | Rowdy | Roxy |
Ruby | Rudolf | Ruffles | Rufus | Rugby |
Rusty | Rutherford | Ranji | Ruxa | Runaway |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”S” tab_id=”1603739221115-9c3957de-8a28″][vc_column_text]
Saber | Sabrina | Sadie | Sage | Saint |
Salem | Sam | Samurai | Sampson | Sancho |
Sandy | Sapphire | Sasha | Sassy | Saxon |
Scampi | Scarlet | Scooter | Scout | Sebastian |
Selena | Serena | Sergeant | Shadow | Shakespeare |
Shambala | Shasta | Sheba | Sheena | Shelby |
Sherlock | Sherman | Shiloh | Shishkabob | Shotzie |
Schultz | Sid | Sidney | Sierra | Silver |
Simba | Simon | Sissy | Slasher | Smokey |
Smooches | Smuckers | Sneakers | Snickers | Snoopy |
Snow | Sörö | Squirt | Star | Steel |
Sting | Storm | Styx | Stormy | Sugar |
Suki | Sundance | Sunny | Sunshine | Superman |
Sweetie | Sweetie | Sylkia | Sytta | Sünde |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”T” tab_id=”1603739220618-15d2a312-67b7″][vc_column_text]
Tabitha | Taco | Taffy | Tanner | Tango |
Tasha | Tassel | Tater Tot | Tattoo | Tatum |
Taxi | Tay-Tay | Taz | Tennessee | Tess |
Tex | Thor | Thumper | Thunder | Tia |
Tiffany | Tiger | Tigger | Tink | Tinkerbelle |
Tiny | Tito | Toby | Toffee | Töni |
Tootsie | Topaz | Tracker | Trapper | Tres |
Trevor | Trinket | Trista | Trixie | Truman |
Tucker | Tuffy | Tugger | Turbo | Turner |
Tweety | Twister | Twix | Twink | Twiggi |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”U” tab_id=”1603739220007-272f97a4-c75a”][vc_column_text]
Ulysses | Uca | Ubrina | Uli | Ultimo |
Uomo | Uranos | Uri | Utan | Uscella |
Urby | Uranus | Uppy | Uno | Unox |
Usmar | Uxan | Uschigärdens | Utan | Uzzo |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”V” tab_id=”1603739511164-63dd4ad5-5611″][vc_column_text]
Vadonfiak | Valentine | Valentino | Val | Valona |
Vango | Vevi | Venus | Victoria | Vikus |
Virgie | Vivi | Vix | Vixen | Voodoo |
Volcano | Volka | Volt | Voxy | Vulcan |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”W” tab_id=”1603739509640-02173b85-2d22″][vc_column_text]
Waffle | Waldo | Walker | Wally | Walnut |
Warlock | Watson | Webster | Whiskey | Whisper |
Winke | Wiggles | Wiley | Willow | Willy |
Wiener | Windsor | Wilson | Wishbone | Weijia |
Woodoo | Wotan | Woody | Woofer | Wyona |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”X” tab_id=”1603739508242-efd42b3c-9604″][vc_column_text]
Xabu | Xado | Xarre | Xatan | Xebo |
Xemo | Ximo | Xingu | Xirus | Xix |
Xoro | Xotan | Xorba | Xiu | Xinti |
Ximena | Xilka | Xeo | Xata | Xasha |
Xarus | Xawa | Xenna | Xilse | Xunta |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Y” tab_id=”1603739506130-7db030b8-5ee4″][vc_column_text]
Yabo | Yago | Yamo | Yango | Yapa |
Yarro | Yasmina | Yen | Yenka | Yin |
Yobo | Yipsi | Yogy | Yoker | Yoko |
Yo-Yo | Yoris | Yovan | Yuby | Yunko |
Yörn | Yörk | Yuppi | Yülli | Yvonne |
[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Z” tab_id=”1603739219256-d8ced064-c34b”][vc_column_text]
Zabo | Zakkie | Zack | Zalina | Zak |
Zambo | Zanja | Zampano | Zako | Zanus |
Zappo | Zarak | Zazu | Zenda | Zeno |
Zete | Ziggy | Zip | Zippora | Zizi |
Zoe-Zurcka | Zsa-Zsa | Zurra | Zyndi | Zymbo |
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Have a suggestion for a new Preppy Princess Puppy Name?
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