Preppy Puppy Names

What’s in a Preppy Princess Puppy Dog Name?

What’s in a Preppy Princess Puppy Dog Name? Your puppy’s name will be the cue or marker to many commands you ask him to perform. As he is praised and rewarded, he will associate his name with something good.  He is more likely to respond to it and the commands that follow it. It needs to get his attention, so should be easily identified.  One or two syllables are best, as is a name you can easily intonate.

Puppies especially love high-pitched tones; it sounds super-exciting and interesting. Be careful not give pup a name which sounds like any basic commands.  Consider the associations you have with any names you choose – does it have an emotional attachment?

The last thing you need is to name pup “Ozzy,” then months later remember that Ozzy Osbourne was your late cousin’s favourite front man.

You’ll never be able to look at pup again without thinking of your cousin – for better or worse.

About the Author

John Woods is a professional dog trainer and is a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers.

Names that start with A

Abby Abigail Ace Addison Aggie
Alex Alexis Alexander Algonquin Allie
Almond Amber Amigo Amaretto Annie
Andromeda Andre Andy Angel Angus
Annabelle Apache Aphrodite April Apollo
Archie Asia Aspen Astor Astrix
Atlas Atticus Audrey Augusta Avalanche
Axel Azure Annja Azzo Aysha

Names that start with B

Banjo Barker Barkley Barney Baron
Baxter Bayou Beans Bear Beignet
Bella Belle Belvedere Benji Bentley
Betty-Boop Blackbeard Blackie Blaze Blanca
Baby Brewster Bacardi Brody Bailey
Blue Bluebeard Bianca Biggy Bijou
Bilbo Biscuit Bogie Boo-Boo Boomer
Bones Bosco Boss Bou’ya Bowser
Bruno Barbie Brut Brutus Bubba
Bubbles Buck Bud Buddy Buffy
Buford Bugger Bugsy Bullet Bumbles
Bambi Bronx Bandit Brooklyn Bronson
Boz Brandy Brat Babushka Brazil
Bunky Buster Butch Butkus Butler
Butterbean Buttercup Butterscotch Button Buzz
Brandy Brownie Bax Berto Bürgi

Names that start with C

Caleb Cali Callie Calvin Candy
Cain Care-bear Caruso Cassie Casey
Casper Caesar Champ Chance Chandler
Chantilly Charisma Charlie Chase Charity
Cherish Chauncey Cheech Cherokee Chestnut
Chewy Cheyenne Chico Chief China
Chip Chiquita Chloe Chocolate Chip Chomper
Chopper Cinder Cinnamon Cleo Cleopatra
Clifford Clover Clyde Cocoa Coco
Cody Colby Coffee Colonel Commander
Comet Confucius Conner Cookie Cooper
Corona Cosmo Cedric Cracker Jack Cricket
Curly Cuddles Cupid Cujo Crystal
Curtis Cyber Czar Cändi Cändi

Names that start with D

Daisy Dakota Dabs Dallas Dally
Dante Daphne Darwin Darby Dash
Dalia Dancer Dajana Dee-Dee Dempsey
Delight Delilah Denim Denali Desiree
Diva Devin Dinky Dexter Dewey
Dinky Dillon Digger Diamond Diesel
Dixie Dobby Dodger Doughnut Dolly
Domino Donner Doodle Dior Dilli
Draco Duffy Duchess Duncan Dusty
Dundee Duke Dorado Dämon Duxie

Names that start with E

Easter Earthquake Ebony Elektra Ellie
Elliot Elmo Echo Einstein Elmer
Elvis Elf Esther Eve Ecko
Edgar Edith Efie Eico Eiva
Electra Eli Erck Ernö Eny
Exena Exina Ezee Exie Ezzo

Names that start with F

Fabian Faith Farrah Fatty Fawn
Fadia Ferris Fido Fifi Fisher
Fizz Flash Fleetwood Fargo Falke
Famke Fannie Faun Fatima Faye
Felia Ferrick Fina Floyd Flipsi
Frisco Fätto Frenchi Frou-Frou Fräulein

Names that start with G

Gable Galaxy Gage Genevieve Geisha
Georgia Gertie Gideon Gidget Giggles
Gigi Gilbert Ginger Giovanna Gisela
Gizmo Goldy Goliath Gouda Guess
Grace Gracie Gravy Greta Grizzly
Groovy Grover Gucci Gwen Günter
Gus Guy Gypsy Gwenn Gwendoline

Names that start with H

Half-Pint Hambone Hannah Happy Harley
Harmony Harvey Hayden Hazel Heath
Heidi Henry Hero Hershey Hoagie
Hobbs Homer Honey Hoosier Hooter
Hope Hemingway Hunter Hilga Humphry

Names that start with I

Ice Ice-T Iggy Ingrid Iris
Isaac Isabelle Ivory Ivy Ianni
Iassko Ilma Ilu Iltis Iolanda
Issy-Tanja Ivan Ittie Isvan Iros
Irena Isidora Issanka Ivan Iwanka
Ivanhoe Itano Isis Isaak Izzy

Names that start with J

Jabber Jack Jade Jagger Jake
Jasmine Jasper Jaws Jazz Jenkins
Jericho Jessie Jet Jewel Jezebel
Jill Jacquelin Jojo Josie Jobe
Jock Janos Jennie Jolana Jäger

Names that start with K

Kacey Kahlua Kaitlin Kane Karate
Katrina Kawai Kayden Kayla Kelsey
Kendra Kera Khan Kibble Kicks
Kiddo Kiefer Kiki Koko Kundi

Names that start with L

Lacey Lady Lady Belle Lala Lamb Chop
Lana Lancelot Lane Lassie Latke
Latte Lavender Leo Leon Lexie
Lexus Lila Lilac Lilly Lizzie
Logan Lollie Louie Lucy Lucky
Ludwig Luke Lulu Lavina Lottie

Names that start with M

Macaroni Madam Maddie Madison Maggie
Magic Maize Major Malcolm Mandy
Manfred Magnolia Marbella Margot Mariah
Marigold Marlo Mars Mason Matilda
Matinee Maui Maverick Max Maxim
Maxwell Maya Mazie Mecca Medusa
Megan Mercedes Mercury Mercy Merlin
Muki Mia Mickey Midget Midnight
Mighty Miko Miles Millie Milky-Way
Milo Mimi Mischa Missy Misty
Mystic Mitzie Mocha Mochi Moira
Molly Mona Montana Montgomery Monty
Mooch Moody Blues Moon Moose Morgan
Moses Mozart Mr. Magoo Mr. Peabody Mud
Mufasa Mustafa Muffin Mugsley Munchkin
Murphy Murray Myasia Mäxx Mändi

Names that start with N

Nicholas Nadia Nala Nanook Naomi
Napoleon Nazareth Nemesis Neon Nero
Nestle Nibbles Nico Nika Nike
Nina Ninja Niobe Nipper Noble
Noel Noodles Norman Nova Nova

Names that start with O

Oakley Obi-Wan Odina Octavia Oden
Oliver Olly Omar Onyx Opal
Oprah Oreo Orion Oscar Otis
Old-Joe Ovita Oxford Ota Owen
Oswin Otello Ozeta Otto Oz

Names that start with P

Paddy Paige Panda Pandora Pansy
Papi Paris Pastrami Patches Patton
Pavarotti Payton Peaches Peanut Pebbles
Pee Wee Pentagon Penny Pepi Pepita
Pepper Pepsi Periwinkle Petie Phoenix
Phoebe Pierre Piglet Pinky Pip
Piper Pippin Pipsqueak Pirate Pistachio
Pita Pixie Pluto Poco Poet
Pointer Poker Polly Poncho Pooch
Popeye Popsicle Pork Chop Poseidon Prancer
Preppy Patrick Precious Priscilla Primrose
Prince Princess Prometheus Pugsley Panda
Putina Punkin Pollo Prada Pützi

Names that start with Q

Qando Quimbo Quin Queso Quixie
Queen Queenie Quincy Quwinny Quuna
Quantus Quatro Queenessa Quess Quid
Quicki Quiver Quästo Quzombar Quno
Querri Quiggy Quzie Quwinny Qwinto

Names that start with R

Racer Radar Ragg-Mopp Rainbow Ramses
Ranger Rascal Rasputin Reba Rebel
Red Reggie Remi Remington Reno
Rex Ricardo Riley Ringer Ringo
Rio Ripley Rock Rocket Rocky
Romeo Roosevelt Rory Roscoe Rose
Rosie Rover Rowan Rowdy Roxy
Ruby Rudolf Ruffles Rufus Rugby
Rusty Rutherford Ranji Ruxa Runaway

Names that start with S

Saber Sabrina Sadie Sage Saint
Salem Sam Samurai Sampson Sancho
Sandy Sapphire Sasha Sassy Saxon
Scampi Scarlet Scooter Scout Sebastian
Selena Serena Sergeant Shadow Shakespeare
Shambala Shasta Sheba Sheena Shelby
Sherlock Sherman Shiloh Shishkabob Shotzie
Schultz Sid Sidney Sierra Silver
Simba Simon Sissy Slasher Smokey
Smooches Smuckers Sneakers Snickers Snoopy
Snow Sörö Squirt Star Steel
Sting Storm Styx Stormy Sugar
Suki Sundance Sunny Sunshine Superman
Sweetie Sweetie Sylkia Sytta Sünde

Names that start with T

Tabitha Taco Taffy Tanner Tango
Tasha Tassel Tater Tot Tattoo Tatum
Taxi Tay-Tay Taz Tennessee Tess
Tex Thor Thumper Thunder Tia
Tiffany Tiger Tigger Tink Tinkerbelle
Tiny Tito Toby Toffee Töni
Tootsie Topaz Tracker Trapper Tres
Trevor Trinket Trista Trixie Truman
Tucker Tuffy Tugger Turbo Turner
Tweety Twister Twix Twink Twiggi

Names that start with U

Ulysses Uca Ubrina Uli Ultimo
Uomo Uranos Uri Utan Uscella
Urby Uranus Uppy Uno Unox
Usmar Uxan Uschigärdens Utan Uzzo

Names that start with V

Vadonfiak Valentine Valentino Val Valona
Vango Vevi Venus Victoria Vikus
Virgie Vivi Vix Vixen Voodoo
Volcano Volka Volt Voxy Vulcan

Names that start with W

Waffle Waldo Walker Wally Walnut
Warlock Watson Webster Whiskey Whisper
Winke Wiggles Wiley Willow Willy
Wiener Windsor Wilson Wishbone Weijia
Woodoo Wotan Woody Woofer Wyona

Names that start with X

Xabu Xado Xarre Xatan Xebo
Xemo Ximo Xingu Xirus Xix
Xoro Xotan Xorba Xiu Xinti
Ximena Xilka Xeo Xata Xasha
Xarus Xawa Xenna Xilse Xunta

Names that start with Y

Yabo Yago Yamo Yango Yapa
Yarro Yasmina Yen Yenka Yin
Yobo Yipsi Yogy Yoker Yoko
Yo-Yo Yoris Yovan Yuby Yunko
Yörn Yörk Yuppi Yülli Yvonne

Names that start with Z

Zabo Zakkie Zack Zalina Zak
Zambo Zanja Zampano Zako Zanus
Zappo Zarak Zazu Zenda Zeno
Zete Ziggy Zip Zippora Zizi
Zoe-Zurcka Zsa-Zsa Zurra Zyndi Zymbo

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